Example Videos
You will find below videos the example sketches included in MOVI's Arduino library. Note that the call sign and new sentences only need to be trained on the first execution of each sketch that has new sentences or a new call sign. It usually takes about 12 to 18 seconds. We include this process here to show the maximum setup time. Subsequent runs of the same sketch will work immediately.
This first video demonstrates the 'light switch' example, with an LED placed on the board.
See the source for this example on GitHub. |
The "NoBeeps" example shows how to silence MOVI's beeping after it recognizes the callsign. Instead, we turn on an LED on PIN13 to show that MOVI recognized the callsign and is waiting for a sentence. The video also shows the sketch upload sequence with training of new sentences.
See the source code for this example on GitHub. |
The "KeywordSpotter' example shows how MOVI can detect a particular keyword within a sentence. In this case, we program MOVI to spot the keyword "Computer". Notice how it does not have to be isolated from the rest of the sentence.
See the source code for this example on GitHub. |
In the "Alarm" example, we show how you can interact with MOVI to get a numeric password from the user. A valid password will open the door. Other passwords are rejected.
See the source code for this example on GitHub. |
This example implements the Eliza demo as featured on Kickstarter. While it's not exactly the original Eliza program, it shows how to use MOVI in dialog mode and switch voices. It also demonstrates MOVI's capability of recognizing long sentences as well as how to store them into flash memory so that Arduino UNO's memory does not overflow.
See the source code for this example on GitHub. |
This example sketch implements the game Hunt the Wumpus on MOVI and is recorded using a headset microphone. It is based on an Adafruit project. MOVI replaces the LCD display and buttons with voice synthesis and speech recognition.
See the source code for this example on GitHub. |